Registration steps for New Applicants

  1. Submission of completed online “Registration form”.
  2. Interview on the scheduled date [child and at least one parent must be present]
  3. Admission Panel’s decision of acceptance
  4. Fee payment [Registration fee + advance payment of September Tuition]
  5. Receipt of ‘registration confirmation’ email from the school.


If you are seeking admission in CASA 1 or CASA 2, please read the following

  1. CASA 1 and CASA 2 have reached maximum capacity. All applications will automatically be put on a waiting list.
  2. The waiting list is only kept active for the school year 2014-2015

Click here for Admission Form for New Applicants 2014 -2015 


If you are seeking admission in Grades 1-5, please read the following

  1. The first round of interviews for Grades 1-5 have been concluded.
  2. If you are applying after April 17, 2014 – please note you will hear back from the school by end of May 2014.

Click here for Admission Form for New Applicants 2014 -2015