
JazakAllahu Khayran‎ for considering AHES for your family.

This form is also accepting grade 9 and 10 applications for September 2025.

The steps of the Admissions Process are outlined below. Be sure to follow all directions and deadlines; incomplete and/or late applications may not be accepted.

Registration Information for the 2025 – 2026 School Year

Registration Status: Active
Admissions for New Students
Re-Registration for Current AHES Students

AHES Applications and Wait List Policy

  1. All applications will be processed in sequential order according to our policy (see below). As of January 2024, all grades are full and subsequently all applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
  2. There is a one-time, non-refundable $50 application fee to secure your child’s position on the waitlist. 
  3. When a spot becomes available, there will be an additional $100 Registration Processing and Testing Fee to proceed with the registration process.
  4. If a spot becomes available, the parents will be notified via email. If they do not accept the spot or do not acknowledge the email, the child’s name will be removed from the waiting list.
  5. If a child is accepted and offered a spot, parents must fulfill all financial requirements and complete the registration requirements prior to the deadline communicated. Failure to do so would result in the spot being given to another applicant.
  6. If a spot becomes available for one sibling, then the other siblings will become priority in the following year. We cannot guarantee that all siblings will get a spot at the same time.
  7. If a spot is not available during the year of application, the student’s application will be rolled over to the waiting list of the following years indefinitely at no extra charge.
  8. Students will only be registered into their respective grade based on their birthdate (according to the Ontario Ministry system).
  9. Our Waiting list operates with the following priority structure: 
    1. Staff child
    2. Sibling of an existing student
    3. Re-Registrant / Re-enrollment
    4. A new member in the community

Admissions Age Chart

AHES follows an age-based registration.  Please use the chart below to know which grade matches the age of your child.


Year of Birth Grade Level
2021 Junior Casa
2020 Senior Casa
2019 Grade 1
2018 Grade 2
2017 Grade 3
2016 Grade 4
2015 Grade 5
2014 Grade 6
2013 Grade 7
2012 Grade 8
2011 Grade 9
2010 Grade 10


Our Admission Process

Each step must be completed successfully before moving to the next step.

Apply Online


Registration Process


Entrance Assessment


Admission Interview


Acceptance & Payment of Fees

Step 1: On-Line Application

Fill out the Online Application Form and pay the Application Fee (This fee is non-refundable). Please also have the following document ready to be uploaded in order for the application to be complete:

  1. Birth Certificate, PR Card or Passport for proof of Canadian Residence & Age.

Step 2: Registration Process & Application Documents

Once a spot becomes available, we will contact you to fill out the Registration processing form. Please have the following documents ready to be uploaded in order for the application to be complete:

  1. Report Cards of the student from the past two sessions (ages 5 and up for Nov 2024 and Feb 2025).
  2. Birth Certificate, PR Card or Passport for proof of Canadian Residence & Age.
  • A confirmation will be e-mailed.
  • Your application will be kept on file in sequence and you will be contacted when it is time for Step Three.
  • If you do not have the documents ready then you may save the form by clicking on “Save and Continue Later”.

Step 3: Entrance Assessment

Once a completed application is received, and it meets minimum requirements, the prospective student will be scheduled for an Entrance Assessment. The Entrance Assessment constitutes a measure of basic reading and mathematics skills for the student’s grade level. The Assessment will be reviewed and a decision regarding next steps will be emailed to you.

Step 4: Admissions Interview

After a successful Entrance Assessment, the school will contact parents to arrange for an interview. During the interview, prospective students and parents will meet AHES staff.

Step 5: Acceptance & Payment Of Fees

After a successful interview, the parents will be notified regarding a final admissions decision. To reserve the spot, the Materials Fee and Last Month’s Fee must be paid within one week of being accepted. These fees are non-refundable. Kindly note, all fees and dues must be cleared before the appropriate due dates. The school retains the right to cancel the admission based on unpaid dues or incomplete applications.

2024-2025 School Year Tuition:

Fees Payable Amount
Application Fee One Time $50
Registration Processing Fee One Time $100
Materials & Supplies Yearly $345
Technology Fee* (Grades 6-8) Yearly $100
Casa Tuition (Junior & Senior) Monthly $690
Elementary Tuition (Grades 1-8) Monthly $645
Hifdh Tuition (Grades 4-8) Monthly $675
Secondary Tuition (Grade 9) Monthly $875


*The Technology fee will go towards securing a dedicated Chromebook for each student in Grades 6 through 8 to use throughout the day, to support enhanced learning, coding in math class, and other academic initiatives.

Please note: Tuition rates are subject to change at any time. Sibling / Staff / FA Discount is not applicable for Last Month’s Tuition Fee.

Discounts and Financial Aid:

Discounts are available for families registering multiple children at AHES. Please refer to the chart below.

Financial Aid is also available on a case by case basis. Should you require financial aid, please indicate accordingly on the admissions form. Please note, Financial Aid is limited and not guaranteed and the request for aid has no bearing on an admissions decision.

Siblings discount is applicable in the order of descending tuition.

Child(ren) Casa Elementary Hifdh
1 $690 $645 $675
2 $625 $590 $615
3 $560 $545 $575
4 $560 $545 $575


Please Note: Sibling / Staff / FA Discount is not applicable for Last Month’s Tuition Fee.


The Re-Registration Form will be sent to all active parents via e-mail in February.

  1. Fill out and submit the Re-Registration Online Form by February 26th, 2024.
  2. An acknowledgment will be sent to you upon completion of the Re-Registration Online Form.
  3. The required fees {Supply/Material Fee, Last Month’s Fee} can be paid online or at the office.
  4. The required fees must be paid by February 26th, 2024.
  5. Please note that spots will not be held if fees are not paid by the due date.

The form includes:

  1. The Parental Agreement
  2. The waiver to continue withdrawing fees from your account from September 2024 – May 2025.
  3. If your account information changes at any time in the future, it is your responsibility to provide a void cheque with the new information to the office.

Please Note

  • Sibling discount will not apply to the payment of the last month’s non-refundable fee but will be applied to the Sept-May fees.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to:
    • Complete the Online Re-Registration Form and make the payment by February 26th, 2024.
  • Should parents not submit the form and pay the fees by the deadlines above, it will be understood that you are not interested in re-registering your child(ren) and no spots will be held for your child(ren) for September and a deregistration email will be sent.

If you express interest after the Re-Registration period, you will be put in the general applicant pool, meaning:

    • You will not receive any priority.
    • You will get a space if and when one is available.
    • You will be charged the Application fee.


New Application Form


New student enrollment is done in the following order of priority:

    • Siblings of current AHES students
    • Al Huda Institute and Elementary School staff
    • Re-enrollment / Re-registrant
    • New families

Students who have met all of the criteria for admission into the school will be placed on a sequential waiting list (based on the order in which the application was received) should spots not be available in the class to which they are applying. As soon as a spot is available, you will be notified and will have one week to make the necessary fee payment to secure your spot for the following year.

Should you chose to withdraw your child, after having remitted the Required Fees (see above), please note that all fees paid are non-refundable. If for any reason you decide to withdraw your child before June 30th, you may be entitled to a refund of the materials and supply fees. Please note that in case of a withdrawal after June 30th, there is no claim to any supplies or books that the child would have used/received if they had stayed at AHES.

All students at AHES are required to wear full proper uniform daily.

We do not offer any bus transportation to our students. We may facilitate carpool service after the admission.

To enroll in the hifdh program, a student must first secure admission to AHES. A prospective hifdh student will be subsequently tested for the hifdh program. Admission to AHES does not guarantee a spot in the hifdh program, however, a student cannot be admitted to the hifdh program without first meeting the entry requirements at AHES. 

AHES provides our students with all the materials and supplies they require in the classroom such as pens, pencils, markers, folders, photocopies, arts and crafts, textbooks, notebooks, etc., which are both consumable and non-consumable. This fee also supports subscription-based digital resources, and resources for student learning (such as software for literacy and numeracy diagnostics, or software to detect plagiarism/AI content).

Field trips are an important part of the enrichment of education at AHES. Student tuition covers some trips completely, while others are partially subsidized by the school.

Important message for all parents

Al Huda Elementary School (AHES) is striving to improve the registration process to make it more efficient, transparent and productive for everyone involved. We need your active cooperation and understanding in this matter. Please note, the school staff will follow the stated procedures to the best of their ability. However, AHES reserves the right to make changes in its posted timelines and/or procedures, should this be deemed necessary in the best interest of students, applicants or administration. Staff at AHES continuously strives to maintain a respectable and pleasant relationship with all parents – new and old. Even in case of a misunderstanding or miscommunication, we expect to maintain mutual respect and kind behaviour as governed by  the lofty ideals of conduct in our deen. We respect parents from all ethnicities beyond bias and request the same from parents. Every year, we resolve to aim higher for our students; to achieve greater goals in the spirit of our vision, mission and core values. We realize we have a responsibility to the Muslim community around us and are making every effort to deliver the best possible within our means.

JazakumAllahu Khairan Katheera for your interest in AHES.

Application Form

Fill out the Online Application Form and pay the Application Fee (This fee is non-refundable).

Application Documents

Report Cards from the past two sessions (Nov 2021 and Feb 2022), Birth Certificate, PR Card or Passport

Entrance Assessment

An academic assessment, focusing on age-appropriate reading, writing and math skills.

Admission Decision

A decision will be emailed to you to inform you about the child's acceptance or declination.